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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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Search Results
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A search for 'Dangerous Crossing, Pickup On South Street' gave the following results:

3 matches in composers
  1. Harry South
  2. Dream Street
  3. Andy Street

5634 matches in tracks
  1. Skip Out (03:30)
    from Pickup On South Street
    tracks 11 - 22 from "Pickup On South Street" (1953) total time 31'47
  2. Skip Out (03:30)
    from Dangerous Crossing
    tracks 11 - 22 from "Pickup On South Street" (1953) total time 31'47
  3. Grateful (01:52)
    from Pickup On South Street
    tracks 1 - 10 from "Dangerous Crossing" (1953) total time 27'31
  4. Grateful (01:52)
    from Dangerous Crossing
    tracks 1 - 10 from "Dangerous Crossing" (1953) total time 27'31
  5. Ain’t Crossing Street (01:01)
    from Meteor Man, The
  6. STREET CROSSING (02:11)
    from Baby's Day Out
  7. Street Crossing (02:15)
    from Baby's Day Out
  8. South Street (02:26)
    from Pickup On South Street
  9. South Street (02:26)
    from Dangerous Crossing
  10. South Street (02:26)
    from Fuller At Fox
  11. South Street (02:26)
    from Hell And High Water
  12. South Street (02:26)
    from Pickup On South Street
  13. South Street (02:26)
    from House Of Bamboo
  14. Street Crossing (02:11)
    from Baby's Day Out
    from "Baby's Day Out"
  15. Street Crossing (02:11)
    from Rescue, The
    from "Baby's Day Out"
  16. South Street Seaport (01:23)
    from Pearl's Peril
  17. South Rampart Street Parade (02:47)
    from Série Noire ...Et Autres Musiques De Films
  18. South Rampart Street Parade (02:47)
    from Série Noire
  19. South Rampart Street Parade (02:47)
    from Ah, Quelle Équipe!
  20. South Rampart Street Parade (02:47)
    from Inspecteur Connaît La Musique, L'
Show all 5634 matching tracks